Comparing The Lovely Ladies Of Tartuffe And Candide

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Comparing the Lovely Ladies of Tartuffe and Candide
Who plays the victim and who among them are natural survivors? Who is deserving of our pity or our admiration? Does the pity go to the victim naturally? Or is there a character among them that can be so diverse as to be deserving of all four? Let us start by viewing the pitiful and move to the ones that should be admired.
Flipote was portrayed by Molière as being a meek servant that is worked to exhaustion by Madame Pernelle. No speaking part in the play, however one could assume that is how Madame runs her own house with the servants knowing their proper place. Flipote is a natural survivor for bearing the burden of being the lady maid to Mme. Pernelle. She is deserving of our pity for the …show more content…

She takes the insults thrown her way with a grain of salt. Not reacting to what her mother-in-law has to say, she does try and stand up for Mariane. Content to let Dorine and Cleante argue with Mme. Pernelle, Elmire does her duty and walks out Madame. Elmire is also portrayed as not having control over Damis. Tartuffe lusts after Elmire though she tries to use this advancement to her advantage. She tries to trap Tartuffe into backing out of the marriage with Mariane. Damis foils her plans with his hotheadedness. Elmire tries to spare Orgon’s mind from the unpleasantness of the previous situation. Believes herself to be the calm in the storm. Her virtue intact, she proposes to trick Tartuffe with Orgon hiding in the room to witness. Elmire doubts she would’ve went through such a ruse if she would’ve known what all could’ve been lost. She is quite happy at the ending. Elmire had to go to great lengths to have Orgon believe that what she was saying was true. Between that and having Tartuffe trying to paw her was victimizing. It is a pity that her husband wouldn’t listen to her. Comparing Elmire to another lady that would go to a great length to look after another. Voltaire first portrays the Old Lady as a kind and caring individual who takes care of Candide for three days before reuniting the young loves. The Old Lady is a very amusing character and very strong willed. She knew she was the daughter of a pope and a princess. Her fiancé was poisoned by an exgirlfriend of his. In getting away from that her mother’s ship was taken over by pirates. All on board were striped and private areas searched. The Old Lady was deflowered and had to watch as her ladies in waiting and mother were fought over and torn limb from limb. This is a small bit that she had to go through and still she lined her own fate with that of Cunegonde had taken some strength of character. The Old Lady is a natural survivor for continuing life in

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