Comparing The AIDS Hysteria And Salem Witch Trials

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Typically people do not handle things well if they are unsure of it (Blumberg). The AIDS hysteria is very similar to the Salem Witch Trials because both cases were caused by fear. The people didn’t know how to deal with the situation. Also in both cases they took extreme measures to keep witches and people with AIDS away from society (Blumberg). The paranoia led to many deaths, and also made people make many rash decisions.

In the early 1980’s, reports were appearing in California and New York of a small number of men who appeared to have rare forms of cancer and pneumonia (Blumberg). The men were young and in very good health (Blumberg). These men were alike because they were homosexual (Blumberg). They had a disease known as AIDS, which is caused by HIV (Blumberg). The virus slowly attacks the immune system which makes the human body more prone to infections (Blumberg). They did not know what the disease was for a while (Blumberg). It was believed to be “gay-related” because homosexuals were many of the first reported cases (Blumberg). That belief was abolished when scientist found out that heterosexuals could be infected too (Blumberg). …show more content…

Many young girls were in the woods trying to conjure spirits. Tituba was trying to teach them how to do so (Blumberg). Witchcraft was punishable by death, and these young girls were trying to avoid being caught(miller). They were falsely accusing many people so they would not be accused of witchcraft(miller). Several innocent people died during this time

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