Comparing Romeo And Juliet And West Side Story

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In the stories Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, and West Side Story, by Arthur Laurent, the lovers are so similar yet have so many differences. They, Maria, Tony, Romeo, and Juliet, are both working against the odds, each couple has their own go-between, and they all die. Although there are obvious differences with each story such as time setting, problems, events. However, there are some less obvious differences such as what these stories meant in their time and the message these stories send. This essay will cover the differences and similarities.

Firstly, the couples in each story. Even though the couples are going against the grain each couples’ plans failed because their go-betweens both failed. However, in West Side Story the couple’s go-between, Anita, didn’t play as big a role and for most of the musical wasn’t seen. Anita was dating the Bernardo, the ‘Tybalt’ of the story. In Romeo and Juliet however, they had two go-betweens that played a pinnacle role in their tragedy. Although similarly, each couple met at a party with someone to drag the couples apart before meeting again. …show more content…

The way the couples met, at a party, briefly and falling in love at first sight. The conflicts in each story set up the climax of each couple's story; pulling them against the grain as the water boils. Both couples death scenes, although as a more modern way of going, was moving Romeo killing himself and Maria breaking down and killing herself alone with her love. As moving as the scenes were Maria had killed herself with a gun whilst Juliet killed herself with Romeo’s dagger. The men of the relationships, Romeo and Tony, had died differently as well. Romeo had used poison to commit the suicide and Tony had gotten

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