Comparing Richard III And Iago In Shakespeare's Othello

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Are some people inherently evil? It could go without saying that most people are generally honest and law abiding, invested in their lives and setting realistic goals within the norms of society without hampering others’. A person who is guided by moral values shared amongst his/her peers, whose mind reacts to situations in a way as to achieve the best outcome within the moral and legal laws that they are accustomed to follow; could not truly understand the complexities within the minds of those who go against what is thought to be right and takes unjustifiable means to achieve a goal despite the harm that can be set upon others. Yet William Shakespeare is able to personify evil with his characters in a way as to look within ourselves to find …show more content…

They each are ambitious, charismatic, and well-spoken men who appear to be well meaning and honest to those around them, but secretly use their masked personality to achieve their evil goals. For Richard III, main character of the play after his name, it is to take the crown from his brother Henry and rule England; for Iago - antagonist of Othello - it is to ruin the life of his commanding general Othello whom he has a genuine hate for. Both manipulate those around them and dispose of anyone who is in their way, eventually they reap what they sow and share the fate of their …show more content…

Richard III and Iago represent all the characteristics that are brought to mind when thinking of an evil man, ambition, greed, lust, jealousy, and malice. Richard even goes as far as confessing to the audience “Thus like the formal vice, iniquity I moralize two meanings in one word.” Iago shows his indifference to doing wrong by constantly stopping to brag to the audience of the genius of his schemes throughout Othello, and he shows no remorse in the fact that he gained Othello’s trust only to destroy him, committing himself so far as to completely understand how to manipulate his comrade’s mind and causing the deaths of Roderigo, Desdemona, Emelia and even himself either directly or

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