Comparing Plato's The Republic And The Epic Of Gilgamesh

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Both the first civilizations and Ancient Greece were marked by great leaders, though one society gave its citizens more jurisdiction over their own lives than the other. The people of the first civilizations had more power than those of Ancient Greece as shown by their powerful kings in The Epic of Gilgamesh and their leader’s ability to listen in The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant, versus the supreme rule of the king in Plato’s The Republic. Citizens of the first civilizations were under the rule of a single king, although they maintained some control over their lifestyles. They led stable, peaceful years under the king’s rule. Since the king was responsible for commanding the weather and storing grain to prevent the people from starving in …show more content…

Only the male citizens of Ancient Greece could have their voices heard. However, Plato disagreed with this concept of democracy, and designed a new way to govern the people in The Republic. Plato believed that one philosopher should have had absolute power, and he must have been, “…by nature quick to learn and to remember, magnanimous and gracious, the friend and kinsman of truth, justice, courage, temperance…” or he would have been unfit to rule. In Plato’s cave allegory, the ordinary people were represented in the prisoners who were chained in the cave, and the philosopher in the prisoner who was pushed out of the cave and saw the world outside. This single prisoner would then know the truth of reality, while the others maintained the belief that reality only consisted of the cave. From this allegory, it was understood that philosophers had a responsibility to lead the average citizens as only they could comprehend reality as it is. However, in order for the philosopher to guide the people, he would have had to take power from the people. The people would not participate in political matters and education would have been regulated. In Plato’s ideal society, the ordinary people had absolutely no power in their lives or their government. This model civilization was never accepted, and democracy continued in Ancient

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