Comparing Monreal's Moco Limping And Oranges

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People have relationships with other people and animals. “Moco Limping” is about a man being disappointed with his dog. His dog has a leg that he drags behind him. “Oranges” is about a guy remembering the first time he walked with a girl. These poems, “Moco Limping” and “Oranges”, have different tone expressed by the authors word choice. First of all, “Moco Limping” by David Nava Monreal, has a tone of disappointment. The poem states, “But instead, he’s this rickety little canine” These lines in the poem show that this guy does not like his dog. The word rickety shows that his dog is not very strong or even not very young. However, The tone of the changes from disappointment to caring. The poem states that, “I feel his warm fur, and his imperfection is forgotten.” This shows that he did not like his dog, but when he felt his warm fur he was caring toward the dog. This poem has a tone of disappointment ¾ of the poem and caring the last ¼ of the poem. …show more content…

Nostalgic is having a memory of something or sometime. This poem states, “The first time I walked with a girl, I was twelve,” This shows that he is writing about a memory. Another thing the poem states is, “I smiled, touched her shoulder, and lead her down the street.” In this section it uses the word led. The word led shows that it was past tense and this shows it was a memory. In this poem, the author uses past tense to show that the tone of nostalgic was

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