Comparing Love And Death In Pale Rider And The Dead

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From the beginning of time two literary themes have emerged: love and death. Both of these elements serve as a building block for literature, they also serve as building blocks for each other. The concept of love and the happiness it could potentially bring is not as joyous when death remains a factor. In both Pale Horse, Pale Rider and The Dead the idea of death before one’s time changes the remaining character’s view of love. Throughout literature the two concepts have always been delicately intertwined.
Throughout The Worm at the Core the connection between love and death is explained. As humans we are naturally prone to consider our futures, which ultimately leads to thoughts of death. As a result of most people fearing death, we develop high levels of self esteem and depend highly upon cultural worldview. A person must possess both high self esteem and depend on cultural worldview to avoid frequent thoughts of death. One of the most popular ways to build self esteem is throughout a loving relationship with another individual. “The feeling of personal significance is what keeps our deepest fears at bay” (Solomon, Greenberg, Pyszczynski 39). Both Miranda and Adam in Pale Horse, Pale Rider use their relationship to decrease the thoughts of the constant threat of death. Likewise, Gabriel uses his relationship with Gretta and …show more content…

Miranda avoids the seriousness of death by distancing herself from it in every way possible. She refused to buy a war bond, because that was accepting the war at hand. “Miranda said hastily, ‘I have eighteen dollars a week and not another cent in the world. I simply cannot buy anything’” (Porter 273). Adam avoids dwelling on death by fighting it. He is more than willing to fight in the war, even though his life will be in jeopardy. He views it as his duty to be a soldier and contribute everything he is able to the war

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