Comparing Locke's View Of Government And Hobbes

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The fact that the United States Department of Commerce is often hacked can stem from a historical debate between John Locke view of government and Hobbes, which is also shared by Jean Jacques Rousseau more socialist view of how an economy works. In the Dragon and the Elephant, two countries are contrasted in terms of economic growth, China and India. India can be thought of a country more influenced by Locke. In the past India, influenced by Indira Gandhi thought that it would be best if they limited the amounts of imports and horrified by the social effects of the industrial age in Europe, attempted to keep a nonalignment policy, a policy which kept countries free from the over dependence of other nations including the idea of a separate economy. …show more content…

China had a communist system which suppressed competition by limiting the rewards. They had one massive economy, whereas Europe was nimbler because they had many smaller states competing for economic growth for the good of their residents. They too shifted to an economy which was described by Chinese business leaders as allowing the bird to have just enough room in the cage to fly around. When comparing these two countries, Robyn Meredith found that the communist economy to soar at first by doing activities that would be slowed down in a democratic economy such as forcing relocation of residents to build a dam. India was slower to develop, but had more incentive to offer its people because of competition. Edward Bernays wrote, “Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism this unseen mechanism of society constitutes an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. … Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate, if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning …show more content…

Most emphasize coping and recovery of the encounter. This is much like accepting the risk of cars falling off a cliff and parking a fleet of ambulances under the cliff. What is needed is careful civil engineering to design a robust road system. What is needed is a robust framework of questions to determine what the reality is and help redirect the direction of a conversation. One method of influence is to point out those who are better equipped to help. Generally, it should be discouraged to give money to people who could be getting help elsewhere. A comparison could be found in the Billy Goats Gruff. By redirecting the person to resources you can decrease their dependence on begging and take steps towards building a more reliable career path. This may be a reason why many lives are potentially changed by work release. After one source of revenue is redirected and the person on work release makes an investment and a commitment to themselves and to the community, it changes to a win-win situation and learning

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