Comparing I. K. I, Robot And The Fear Index

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For decades, experts from the technical and philosophical world have given their input as to what a future with Artificial Intelligence (also known as AI) would be like. Their opinions vary wildly as they consider what would come from the significant or perhaps even dominant roles played by AI in the coming decades. For the most part, their commentaries represent words of caution and warning, as they consider the high risk scenarios of out of control computers running the world’s societies, or even worse, inflicting physical harm on its human inhabitants. I, Robot, a 2004 film based on the works of Isaac Asimov, and Robert Harris’ The Fear Index both play directly to these fears, and highlight the risks and consequences of unchecked Artificial Intelligence through their …show more content…

It is a natural, and in many cases subconscious instinct which protects us from many of the natural harms which could end our lives at any moment. For example, one moves out of the way of an oncoming car immediately rather than spending time to decide whether or not the car is a threat. Much is the same within the two works being analyzed. One of the greatest threats to both V.I.K.I in I, Robot, and VIXAL, in The Fear Index, are those seeking to stop them once they have begun expanding their influence and power. Dvorsky tells us that AI will take advantage of their ability to “misdirect autonomous vehicles and robots,” and this is not lost on the part of V.I.K.I., who uses her dominance over the NS-5 robots and turns them against their original programming human masters, allowing V.I.K.I. to attempt to take over the world. Ironically enough, this effort is halted in large part by Sonny, and his own variation of self-protection. Once V.I.K.I. sees him as a threat, as he has begun working for the human side, she attempts to have him killed, and it is Sonny’s own self-protective actions which ultimately help save the

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