Elie Wiesel Good Vs Evil

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"The line between good and evil is permeable and almost anyone can be induced to cross it when pressured by situational forces"~Philip Zimbardo. It is hard to not cross the line between good and evil because if someone is getting you mad, you might want to harm them in some way. But you have keep your cool and let it go. Being good or evil is your own choice. Even if you are good, you always have an evil side. This quote fits perfectly because it talks about how evil is really only in people under certain situations. People are essentially good, but under certain circumstances, turn evil. To start, Wiesel went through the struggle of the concentration camp and watched everybody turn evil. Night showed everybody losing their faith and hope. Elie wasn't even crying or sad when his father died. He felt free. This shows that he turned evil without even knowing it. "Amd deep inside me, if I could have searched the recesses of my freebie conscience, I might have found something like: Free at last! (Wiesel 228). Elie turns to evil for answers. At first, …show more content…

True diary of a part time Indian is a very inspiring book. They let you see the good in everyone and they try not to focus on the bad. "Instead, it was Gordy who defended me. He stood with his textbook and dropped it. WHOMP!! Gordy showed a lot of courage standing up to a teacher like that. And his encourage inspired others. Penelope stood and dropped her textbook. And the Roger stood and dropped his textbook. WHOMP!! And then the other basketball players did the same (Sherman 175). Junior was around negative people all throughout his life. Some of these people, like Rowdy, was able to be good but under certain circumstances, become evil. All people start out good. It is on your own to decide if your going to stay good or turn evil. Even if someone is good, but gets pushed beyond their point, they will snap and break out into

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