Compare And Contrast Bridge To Terabithia And Freak The Mighty

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In the books Bridge To Terabithia and Freak The Mighty, the settings and characters are very different. Bridge To Terabithia takes place in a country area, with the main characters being an active, sensitive young boy named Jess, and a brave girl named Leslie who moves to town. It’s a story about them making a made-up kingdom called Terabithia, where they’d escape from the world, and rule their own. While in Freak The Mighty, the adventure takes place in city suburbs with a short, stubborn, genius boy named Kevin, or Freak, who moves in across the street from a tall, self-doubting, strong kid named Max. This story is about them going on quests with Max as the legs, and Kevin as the brain. They imagine up a world with knights, mythical creatures, and kingdoms to explore. But differences aside, these stories share a common theme: to move on from a loss, you must first open your eyes to the world, even in places you wouldn’t think of. …show more content…

He stayed like that, until he one day found an blank book under his bed that Kevin had given him, before everything had happened. He remembered that when Kevin had given it to him he told Max to write down the tale of Freak the Mighty, since he wouldn’t be able to. So, Max began to write down their adventures as a way of coping. He also had gotten advice from Loretta, another character in the story. She had asked him “what he was doing these days,” when she saw him one day at a bus stop. When he responded with “nothing.” she told him “nothing’s a drag, kid,” meaning that not doing anything can be boring. This changed his perspective on the situation and is what pushed him to write the book, even when he doubted he could. He was actually fairly calm about it after a while, and he was okay with

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