Comparing Amontillado, The Black Cat, And The Tell-Tale Heart

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The narrators in “The Cask of Amontillado,” “The Black Cat,” and “The Tell-Tale Heart” want us, as readers, to understand why they behaved immorally. However, because of the circumstances, these narrators prove unreliable and we can’t help but to identify them as psychopaths and sympathize with their victims. Psychopath is defined as a mental disorder in which an individual manifests amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, extreme egocentricity, and failure to learn from experience. In the short story “The Tell Tale Heart” Poe develops a narrator that is plagued by guilt and wishes to use the story to confess his murder. The narrator tells his story in first person. He fears …show more content…

The narrator writes the story the day before he is to be executed, and explains from the beginning how guilty he feels about what he has done. “In their consequences, these events have terrified – have tortured – have destroyed me” (“The Black Cat”). The story begins by the man explainng his love for animals and for his wife. He loved his black cat especially “Pluto”. He grew moody when the cat came around, he even got pyshical will his wife.The narrator explains that his moral breakdown began when he started to drink heavily.. One night he came home and the black cat had not come up to him, he go mad at the cat that he took a knife and cut out the cat's eye. He says that he didn’t feel any remorse, once the cat was healed, he took the cat and hanged it on a tree. This already shows psychopathic traits because most serial killers start off by killing animals before anything or anyone else. Torturing animals is an evil and morbid act, even with the presence of alcohol, and is a telltale sign of a psychopath. He didn’t get caught because a fire that he started in his house. He didn’t want anyone to get suspicious of what he did. Serial killers that like or love to kill don’t want to get caught because they will feel the guilt. The reason to kill usually is so that they can get rid of anger. His wife was bothering him so much that he killed his wife with a axe. He couldn’t remove it from the house, so he dragged her body into the basement. He didn’t want anyone to come and find him, so he restructured his walls. “My happiness was supreme” (The Black

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