Compare The Architecture Of Ancient Athens

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Humanities of ancient Egypt were distinct from that of the Athens in a way that the Egyptians were very religious. Egyptians believed in many gods. This religious form was known as polytheism. While Egypt was more into religion and honoring the dead, Athens were more about building great cities called polis. In these polis Athenian men would gather to practice democracy. The Athenians would choose their leaders and make important decisions by majority vote from the whole polis. The Egyptian people built large elaborate buildings such as the Great Pyramids. The largest of these pyramids covered 13 acres at the bottom and was built with more than two million large stone blocks and had shafts and rooms on the inside which held the bodies of the pharaohs. Reasoning behind these large pyramids was that the Egyptians believed that life continued unchanged after death. The pharaohs would plan the building of their pyramid once they took the throne. Pharaoh Khufu’s pyramid took Egyptian farmers over 20 years to build. The farmers would work on the pyramid during the flood season when they were unable to farm their lands. They would drag large blocks that were cut from a quarry nearby and put them in place. When the first level was …show more content…

The statues would show great detail and curvature of the body, but would be somewhat plain looking during today’s time. However the statues of the Athenians were proven to be even more elaborate and better detail. Looking at sculptures and statues made by the Greeks you can see much more detail. The sculptures show more detail in the shape of the body and clothing that was worn. The statues made by the Egyptians show the curvature of the body, but would be smooth with not much detail. The Greek statues would have the curvature of the body as well as the definition of the muscle and different parts of the human body therefore making them appear more

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