Compare And Contrast The Dome Of The Hagia Sophia

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The Hagia Sophia, also known as, the church of Holy Wisdom, was designed and constructed by Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus. Justinian wanted the Hagia Sophia to be the grandest church compared to the other churches. The Hagia Sophia consists of many architectural structure similar to those of the Greek and Roman temples. A Roman structure that is very similar to the Hagia Sophia is the Pantheon. Both the Hagia Sophia and Pantheon consist of a dome. However, the Pantheon only consisted of one major dome, that is behind the columnar porch. The dome of the Pantheon seems as if it is hidden away by the porch. Unlike the Pantheon, you can clearly see the dome of the Hagia Sophia. It is a domed basilica, where the eastern and western

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