Compare And Contrast Communism In China And Russia

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China and Russia developed similar economies through communist ideals, rapid industrializations, and the creation of free-market economies. The government of China and Russia at the start of the twentieth century were both communist, this was a leading factor in the in the economic and social changes. The twentieth century was the beginning of industrialization throughout the world, China had embraced the change leading to many jobs being created. During the twentieth century Russia and China had revolutions that changed the government and stock market. Russia underwent numerous revolutions constantly changing the foundations of many integral parts of the government. China throughout the twentieth century had countless revolutions, never seeming to end even during both world wars. China and Russia both being communist primarily during the entirety of the twentieth century had similar economies. The economy of a communist government is standard for all subjects living in the country, similar to socialism. The pay and prices for goods are the same across the board for everyone. Both China and Russia had total control of their people. Russia had control over all the surrounding …show more content…

During the twentieth century, China developed the strongest economy throughout the world. The mass population of the Chinese people helped in the production in goods which in tailed helped China’s economy grow. Russia was not far behind China after the Industrial revolution, Russia needed a plan if they were going to catch up to China. China was relying on the exporting of goods and long term goals for profit. Russia focused on Five-Year Plans, “the form of economy worked for communism, consistently appealing to the intellectuals of developing countries in Asia” (Paul Craig Roberts 2). The Industrial Revolution had helped the growth of both China and Russia’s economy throughout the Twentieth

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