Compare And Contrast Araby And A & P

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The narrators of the short stories “A&P” and “Araby” both share changes with their attitudes, desires in life, and relationships. Sammy, the narrator in “A&P”, a young clerk man in the store, notices three, attractive, teenage, girls who enter the store dressed in their bikinis. As Sammy carefully watches them, he fantasizes a life with one girl in particular, Queenie. By the way she carries herself in the small group, she gives off a confident, appealing vibe about her personality. Throughout their visit to shop for goods, Sammy disregards the other customers, referring to them as “sheep” and “house slaves”. He also developed personas of the different people he met such as, “She’s one of these cash-register-watchers, a witch about fifty with rouge on her cheekbones and no eyebrows…” (320). In “A&P”, Sammys role is the healthy, hormonal, teenage boy who finds an attraction to these girls. Willing to do anything to catch Queenies attention, he awaits for the perfect moment to seize, unfortunately being his mistake and realizing her lack of interest. …show more content…

With the frustrations of his Uncles late arrivals, lack of affection, and school, he finds tranquility in Mangan’s sister. His affection for her is strong as he states, “Her image accompanied me even in the places the most hostile to romance.” (243). Eventually, he succumbs to his fears and talks with Mangan’s sister, where he gets the idea to go to the bazaar and buy a gift for her, since she couldn’t attend. With his Uncle failing on taking him to the bazaar, he goes by himself where he encounters his true feelings and realizations of Mahans sisters feelings, “Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself a creature driven and derided by vanity…”

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