Compare And Contrast 1984 By George Orwell

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"In my opinion the ability to write, which requires many abilities in itself, is a very important skill to have. Writing benefits many people including myself and these benefits are in my opinion really important. Orwell and I have written for some of the same reasons. One of these being our young age in which we had developed an affinity for writing. Orwell said: “From a very early stage… I knew that when I grew up I should be a writer” (Orwell 1). While he was interested in writing at a younger age than me we both have a natural inclination towards writing. Both of us also have a very imaginative mind. Orwell also said that writing created in him a sort of “private” world (1). This private world of imagination is a very special place and the ability to express what comes from there is a very important talent. While there are different mediums to express that, there is something special about writing which other mediums do not do. That is why Orwell and I are fairly similar in our intent to write. …show more content…

To start with orwell was much more political than I. If you have read 1984 or Animal Farm you will understand. I on the other hand prefer to write about things which deal with subjectively,reality, and many other non-political topics. Orwell was also a fiction writer. While fiction is fun, I would rather write straightforward non-fiction books because in my opinion you can learn a lot more from them. Even though we may have some similar reasons why we write, our intentions and the type of impact we would like to make are very

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