Comparative Disadvantages: Hyperglobalization And Comparative Advantage

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The article examines some of the influential theories in the domain of international trade including hyperglobalisation and comparative advantage. The publisher was keen to demonstrate how the theories need to be embraced since hyperglobalisation promotes investments flows from partners pursuing such trading agreements. The trading partners can still reduce their operation cost such as transportation while still navigating the complexities of hyperglobalisation. The author also endeavored to demystify the terminology of comparative advantage by issuing examples and previous concerns reported on the subject. It has been hailed that the traders often traded as per their factor endowments by concentrating on spheres of their specialty. The author also hinted to the readers that the theory of comparative advantage is a major concept since it is the first theory that economics students are briefed on. Arguments in support of the theory reveals that countries that have this level of visibility stand to benefit massively once they specialize in areas of their specialty. He purp...

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