Comparative Analysis of Ariel by Sylvia Plath and The whitsun Weddings by Phillip Larkin

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Plath in Ariel and Larkin in The Whitsun Weddings both explore ideas about love and relationships. The Whitsun Weddings explores the theme of love and relationships by capturing the journey that takes place prior to marriage; the poem was written about Larkin’s observation of marriage parties on whit Sunday (now known as May Day) which was a public holiday and was traditionally the day on which people would get married. The Whitsun Weddings takes on a somewhat cynical tone which is emblematic of Larkin’s negative views regarding marriage and long term relationships. The Applicant by Plath presents the reader with a critique of marriage by depicting the selection process that men and women alike have to go through when it comes to marriage. In the 60’s, marriage was often something that was expected of many individuals and those who did not comply with these views would be often be stigmatised and women were often subjected to this stigma during a time that patriarchy was at its peak. Both The Applicant and The Whitsun Weddings present marriage as a societal norm and a process that is...

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