Community Garden Research Paper

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Have you ever looked down at your plate and wondered where each individual item came from? Most likely the items originated from a farm in another state and have passed through many hands in order to reach your plate. Every item has traveled long distances and has paid the price of losing nutritious value. However, communities are interested in a new beneficial method to produce healthy foods. The community garden is a place where people can learn the value of teamwork and enjoy the beautiful outdoors all while growing healthy foods. The backbone of this idea includes the proposal of local incentives to encourage community gardens across America. A community garden would encourage unity, save money, and promote a healthy lifestyle among many communities. A community garden is a simple way to create a unified group of individuals that are passionate about fellowship and the creation of healthy food. The construction of a community garden within a neighborhood is an easy and effective way to encourage bonding. People would be able to share experiences with other people while working towards a common goal. A community garden would also create a safe zone for people to interact. It is important for people from different places to work together to create something. A community garden is one of the simplest ways to unify a community. …show more content…

A garden serves as a source of food that is fresh and affordable. Food provided by a grocery store often comes with a high price. However, a garden can produce necessary food at a more economical price. The initial cost for creating a garden space and gathering materials and tools may be high, but over time the garden will slowly start to pay for itself. By constructing the garden as a community, the overall cost would be less than hiring other people to do the work. If the money is saved this way, it could also be invested in more neighborhood

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