Communism in Buddhist Tibet

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Tibet was once a nation steeped in a rich religious culture that sought to spread Buddhism and happiness for all souls on earth. Today’s Tibetan Buddhist culture is merely a shadow of what it once was. Following the Chinese Communist invasion in 1950, Tibet went from what was once known as the “roof of the world” to being a region controlled by China. The Chinese government considers Tibet as a region they have held sovereignty over for centuries. However, the Dalai Lama refutes this claim and states that Tibet was independent of China and was colonized over time. Under China’s oppressive red thumb, the Tibetan people suffered starvation, exploitation, and the destruction of their culture. The Chinese government tried to secularize Tibet and forcefully push the state toward modernization at the cost of the Tibetan people. They raised crop yields as a result of the exploitation of their land, destroyed Tibetan monasteries and nunneries, killed many monks and nuns, and forced what survivors were left either into exile or to return back to their home villages. China states that they acknowledge the repression caused by the Chinese government and that they’re working toward helping Tibet to revive their Buddhist culture. However, today’s Tibetan monasteries have been reduced to mere tourist attractions for the Chinese government to make money off of unsuspecting tourists. Most Tibetan monks are forced to travel elsewhere to fully functioning monasteries in order to have the freedom to practice their religion. Despite Tibet’s cries for independence from Communist China, the international community has responded by not denying claims that Tibet is an autonomous region of China. As we go through the hardships that Tibetan culture had to ...

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