Communism During The Cold War

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The Cold War holds a very significant place in history; never before had there been such leaps and bounds in the fields of science and warfare. The computer, now a seemingly harmless invention was going to be used to launch and detonate nuclear missiles. Nuclear, chemical and biological weapons were at one time was nothing more than science fiction. The world has never been so close to ending than in the years which are labeled the Cold War. From the Truman Doctrine to the Cuban missile crisis to the LGM-30 Minuteman missile silos that still dot the American plains, many Americans did not know if they would wake up the next day to a nuclear winter. The geopolitical tensions between America and the Soviet Union put the world on edge and made …show more content…

He argued that a chain reaction would supervene if Greek fell to Communism, therefore, this would led to the undermining of the Turkey government, therefore, allowing the Middle East to fall to Communism. In the words of the Truman Doctrine, it became “the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.” (Historian) Truman conferred with his cabinet that the best defense against Communism was containment; containment was the long term, vigilant containment of Russia expansive tendencies and influences. Isolationism would not be returned, The Truman Doctrine lead us into various conflicts in the hope to contain the spread of …show more content…

This became known as the arms race. America had the advantage over the Soviet Union; on November 1, 1952 America dropped the first hydrogen bomb code named Castle Bravo. After Russia caught wind of the experiment they immediately began purist of their own weapon of mass destruction. In spite of the tests America and Russia had a limited arsenal to test. The nukes main job during the arms race was a deterrent toward the other nations. In the year 1962, a combined total of 178 nuclear tests were conducted by both Russia and the U.S. (CTBTO) The preceding year of the Cuban Missile Crises, Russia conducted the test of the largest nuclear weapon. To ensure a quick capable counter strike, the U.S. deployed the Defense and Early Warning, this placed Minute Men Missiles or ICBMs across a plethora of locations across the nation. The ICBMs insured that in a case of nuclear attack the U.S. could respond to the attack from any nuclear capable

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