Commitment And Perseverance In The Movie '42'

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42 is a sensitive yet heartwarming film and is one of the most inspiring baseball movies in this generation. The movie tackles subjects like passion, racism, and perseverance, and puts it in a inspirational drama. Yet the most important theme in this film is that one man’s courage can change the world. “I don't care if they like me. I didn't come here to make friends. I don't even care if they respect me. I know who I am. I've got enough respect for myself. I do not want them to beat me.” This idea illustrates the point that in order to have the courage to do something, someone must also be capable of sacrificing things in the process. Furthermore, in order to change the world, someone must be able to adapt to living without the things that …show more content…

Although, commitment and perseverance are just as important. Courage allows for people to go and do what they want, but commitment and perseverance allows for them to be able to stick it out and endure the thing that they want to achieve. In the film along with courage there is many examples of commitment and perseverance. For instance, one example would be when they are on the field playing and Ben Chapman starts yelling racial slurs at Jackie Robinson when he is up to the plate. This demonstrates perseverance by Robinson holding back any thoughts and emotions that would hinder him from getting kicked from the league. In addition, the next scene shows Robinson smashing a bat on the ground and kicking his feet while crying when he finally gets the chance to be alone. This demonstrates his strong relationship to commitment to baseball as he allows all his anger to built up inside him in order for him to be able to keep playing and keep his promise with Branch Rickey. In other words, although it does take courage to do something new and different, commitment and perseverance are also important to uphold …show more content…

Most of the time people do not give a chance to talk people because they are different, so they are closed off by a barrier that in the right circumstances can be broken by courage. In the film an example of breaking a racial barrier would be when Robinson is being yelled at by Ben chapman and his teammate Eddie stanky stands up for him and defends him. This demonstrates that people can change the way that they view someone if they are able to get close to them and allow them in their social space. Another example of courage breaking barriers would be when Branch Rickey told Robinson that he saw a white boy playing and imitating Robinson’s signature moves. This demonstrates that courage can truly break a racial barrier and allow to hugely impact a different class of people even though black people are so hated on . In other words, having the courage to stand up to something, or do something courageous allows to be able to change how people react to new

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