Combat Dining Inn Research Paper

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Combat dining inns is a great way to build morale within a core. Although they can get very messy it is also a lot of fun. A combat dining inn is an event that is made to bring a unit together. During this event you will overcome obstacles as a team. The way it is set up is that when you get to the location of the combat dining inn you will be wearing your mess dress or bdu. After everybody has signed in you will be split up into teams. Each team will have one flight sergeant and one flight commander. When those two people are chosen at that moment you will then proceed outside. Once outside you will get into formation and march to where the obstacles course will be held. At this moment you will get in formation with your flight and then begin the obstacle courses. These obstacles course are sometimes challenging but, at the end of the day are really fun. You will get really messy and this is why you are required to wear the bdu’s. One of my favorite obstacles is the donut eating contest. It is exactly what it sounds like. Basically there is one person who is blindfolded and the other person is lying on the ground. The person who is blindfolded is standing over the other person on …show more content…

Like I previously stated combat dining inns are just another way to build morale within a unit. Combat dining inns bring out a lot of friendships within your unit and you get to know the other people around. Honestly these are really fun and you will learn stuff about yourself and your peers during this event. I honestly feel that all units should do this at least twice a year. You will see slowly and gradually that the unit are not only peers and people you see around everyday they are your friends and ultimately your family. Combat dining inns involve a lot of teamwork, determination, respect and courage. You will not succeed in anything if you do not learn to work with others. That’s why I feel that everybody should join

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