Columbian Exchange And Colonization

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During the 15th and 16th centuries, Europeans began to make contact and colonize the Americas. Both American and European settlements were majorly affected by the Colombian Exchange through this time period. The hardships that were brought upon by the European colonists to the Native Americans had, in my opinion, more of a positive affect than a negative one. Colonization lead to trade between Europe and America, the mixing of cultures and people, and changes to the government and civilizations in America. The blending of civilizations lead to many technological and agricultural advances.

The Columbian exchange started in 1492, bringing discoveries of many crops, animals, and unfortunately, diseases. Horses were the first thing to be traded and one of the most important resources brought to the Americas by Europe. Columbus brought maize to Spain during the Columbian Exchange. This lead to maize cultivation throughout the Old World and gave Europeans a way of planting two crops a year instead of one. Coureurs De Bois came to the Old World also to find and sell fine furs. The Dutch sent out many expeditions to trade furs. Furs had become a highly demanded product and the fur trade in Europe grew. Charter companies, such as the East India Company in England, were used greatly by the …show more content…

John Winthrop, a very religious Puritan, led the Puritans on their journey to the New World. This lead to a new religion and added to the mixing pot in America. In Central America, from the Meso-Americans, a new race called the Aztecs or Mexica emerged. They developed useful tools in everyday society such as a written language and a calendar. The Aztecs also had technologically advanced agriculture. The Aztecs created a capital city which they named Tenochtitlan. To add to the culturally diverse land a new race emerged called the Mestizos. They were a mixed race between a Spaniard and a Native

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