Colonize Mars Persuasive Essay

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It is undeniable that humans can’t survive on Earth forever. There is a multitude of reasons we need to go to leave. As it is believed by many scientists, Mars is the best solution. Humans need to colonize Mars because our species can’t survive on Earth forever, there are huge scientific mysteries that may be solved and it’s the first step in reaching an intergalactic future.

First, humans can’t survive on Earth for much longer. There was been many mass extinctions in Earth’s history, and another one is sure to come soon. There is many potential ways the next mass extinction could occur, for example, the Yellowstone supervolcano, nuclear war, a meteor could hit Earth, the possibilities are endless. If we colonize Mars we can escape most of these things. There are no known supervolcanoes on Mars and there are no nuclear bombs. Elon Musk, owner of SpaceX, knows this is true, “I'm not predicting that we're about to enter the dark ages, but there's some probability that we will, particularly if there's a third world war”. Stephen Hawkings agrees, "If the human race is to continue for another million years, we will have to boldly go where no one has gone before”. Going to Mars will ensure the safety of our species for much longer than if we stay on Earth. …show more content…

Scientists don’t really know what’s out there. Going to Mars will solve the mystery of life on Mars, we could discover more elements, we might even discover more about ourselves. And once we get to Mars we can start thinking about the other planets, how to get there, and how to colonize. We might even get the technology to leave our solar system. Going to Mars could prove everything we think we know wrong. It could shed some light on the truth about the universe. Going to Mars could advance science

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