College Students Carry Guns

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After reading your essay on “There’s a Reason They choose school”, you mention that the author is for the use of guns because they are a life-saving tool and everyone should carry them because it will keep them safe from harm. But in your opinion, you believe that guns will not stop the violence, but only increase it. I agree with your opinion, guns may help stop a crime. But they shouldn't be thought as the only choice to keep people safe, especially on campus. In your first paragraph, I thought you did excellent with explaining how college students are not suitable to carry guns. I agree that they have too much to handle. They have to deal with workloads of homework, they binge drink when possible and they lack the ability to control their emotions. Allowing them to carry guns under this situation will only bring harm to the campuses environment. For the ending of this paragraph, I would check over and fix punctuation. …show more content…

Campus shootings rarely happen. You bring up a good point that a college is a place for safe learning. Students apply to go to college to expand their mind and learn new things. Not to debate over gun policies on campus. I also thought that you did well on bringing in a statistic on how 85% of crimes happen off campus. This shows that there's no need to carry guns on campus because there's rarely any crime on campus. In this paragraph, I would talk more about how having guns on campus could be a distraction to the students

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