College Admissions Essay: My Love Of Chemistry

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I truly do wish I could say that I was one of the few individuals lucky enough to know at a young age what they wanted to be when they grew up, but realistically; I was not. Fortunately, however, I did eventually realize what I wanted to be during my sophomore year of high school, in a "flash" so to speak.
To explain, I had just moved to Florida late during my freshman year, and while it may not seem extraordinary for a high school student to transfer schools, I believe that this transition is what caused me to discover my true passion; chemistry. While my old school in Virginia had a fairly strict order of classes that I would have been required to take, my new school in Florida allowed me to choose the courses I found fitting. As such, I …show more content…

Eventually, among various other information, I came to learn that this specific metal was called Magnesium and that the process that it underwent to produce such a bright flash was called oxidation. This seemingly meaningless glowing metal experiment soon transformed figuratively into the burning passion instilled inside of me. Chemistry not only gave me something to focus down on and care about, but it also created my desire to fully understand it. Throughout the entire course, I found myself in a state of fascination from discovering precisely how many of the things which we often take for granted around us work. Ever since that day and up until the present, I have spent much of my high school experience devoted to chemistry, by leading our school's Chemistry Honor Society, by taking several STEM classes at my local college through dual enrollment, and by visiting research institutes such as Scripps and Max Planck to help plan my future in chemistry and open myself up to learn of all the various fields of study in

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