College Admissions Essay: Why I Love Medicine

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There are currently many major problems that the world is facing which could be easily solved if people lived up to their passion and accept the fact that everybody has something to bring to the table. One of the main problems to me is the health system around the world.

We are evolving into a world where money is more important than fulfilling the fundamental needs of every living being. When choosing a career, I believe that the contribution to the current society and the next generations is more important than social status or the annual income. My true passion is helping and healing people, which is why I've come to love medicine.

When I discuss becoming a doctor with others, I hear that it takes too long. People became so focused on the length of time that they forget the true meaning of things, not realizing that time is everything that we have yet, do not have. For as long as I can remember, I always thought that I could change the …show more content…

One of them is going to college. I am originally from Haiti and recently, my parents decided to send me to the United States to study because there is more opportunity here than in my homeland. I always loved to learn, therefore, when I came here for my senior year, I obtained a 4.0 GPA. Also, during my first semester in college, I obtained a 3.46 GPA. Being a student who pays out of pocket, I try to look for scholarships or aid to pay for school since my parents must pay also for my little siblings' school year in Haiti. I do not have any prior work experience, however, the amount of volunteering and babysitting that I do, largely make up for that. Receiving a scholarship would mean a lot to me because it would be one less child to support financially for my parents. I would work harder to maintain my good grades to get into medical school and later on to be able to help and repay my parents for all they have done for

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