Cold War Dbq

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“If... many influential people have failed to understand, or have just forgotten, what we were up against in the Cold War and how we overcame it, they are not going to be capable of securing, let alone enlarging, the gains that liberty has made.” The Cold War was a dispute between two of the most powerful nations, the Soviet Union and the United States, during the 1950’s and the 1960’s. The Cold War originated from both the United States and the Soviet Union establishing and protecting it’s own spheres of interest around the globe. To add, the United States during the time of the Cold War noticed that the Soviets were spreading their communist beliefs across the world, so they had to find a way stop the spread of this feared ideology. During …show more content…

Since the US and the Soviet Union were threatening each other for war with nuclear weapons the civilians were terrified and prepared, “Schools and office buildings held regular air-raid drills to prepare people for the possibility of nuclear attack. Radio stations regularly tested the Emergency Broadcast System, which stood in readiness for war.” As tensions between both countries grew the lives of the civilians were also more in danger. They were in danger because as a nuclear war was on the rise, everyone including the children had to prepare for it. Every day they were to wake up and be grateful that they woke up and they also had to prepare just in case they were bombes that say. Everybody during that time could not live comfortable because they were also on the lookout. The children were the ones that suffered the most because they did not know what was happening during the drills that they had in school. In general the citizens were aware of all their surroundings and they did not pay the attention that was needed to the jobs in the country. This is how the lives were greatly impacted by the Cold War in the 1950’s and the

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