Coffee Production In Central America

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Coffee production has played an important role in the Central American economy. Coffee production began at the end of the 19th century in Central America. Countries like Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador possess the perfect soil and climate to produce coffee. Coffee has been a generator for Central America’s countries economic development process. Coffee is among the nation’s primary sources of foreign exchange and provides the economic backbone for thousands of rural communities. However, coffee history has been tempestuous. It has left a deep imprint in countries of Central America history, politics and economic development. Countries in Central America have deeply depended on coffee production. Coffee is known as the “grain of gold.” Elite’s fortune of Central America countries rose during the boom years of coffee production. Small farmers and laborers have been exploited at every turn, during the boom and bust years. Throughout history coffee industries have failed to provide acceptable housing and working conditions. Coffee …show more content…

For many individuals their morning caffeine fix is essential, in addition many social gathering form around this drink. In modern day you can find coffee shop appear at every half block in one’s local neighborhood. With its popularity coffee is known to be one of the most popular traded commodity along with oil. Customers all over the world line up in these coffee shops, go up to the register and order their quite expensive coffee. Most of these coffee consumers don't think about the millions of people whose lives depend on coffee productions. Most coffee producers in Central America are small-scale farmers who depend on consumers like us, large corporations and a dying down market for their income. With coffee being one of the most traded market it is important for the consumer and producer to understand the impact it has on farmers at local level in Central

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