Coco Chanel Research Paper

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Coco Chanel
Coco chanel is a wonderful role model for young girls with rough pasts. When Coco was young she had troubles but she pushed through her challenges and became the most popular name in the fashion industry. Coco was a all working person and put forth effort to succeed in her business. Coco’s life is a wonderful example to teach people how to work for what they want. “ I am not a heroine. But I have chosen the person I want to be”
Coco was born August 19, 1883 in France. Coco was born into poverty, her mother was Jeanne Devolle and her father was Albert Chanel. Coco’s name that she was born with was Gabrielle Bonheur chanel and later on in life she would be nicknamed “Coco” and it stuck. She had five siblings, Julia berthe, Alphonse, Antionette, Lucien, and Augustine.When Coco was twelve her mother died and her father put her into an orphanage. In the orphanage she was raised by nuns, who taught her how to sew which would help her later in life. Coco had a rough experience in the orphanage so she fled to a boarding school for catholic girls. …show more content…

Coco created the “flapper style which is a little black dress, short hair, high heels, and maybe a cigar in hand. This style she created was different than the women's style at the time which was long modest dresses that did not show very much skin. Coco also made trousers for women which is also new because women never really wore pants always dresses. Coco won the Neiman Marcus Award, a yearly Award going to outstanding fashion influences throughout the whole world. During World war two, in france coco used one of hers stores as a shelter for french soldiers and fed them. Coco revolutionized women's clothing forever. If it was not for coco women would probably start wearing pants and shorts and shorter dresses much later in history. Coco’s style was at first popular in france and it moved it's way around Europe then to the United States of

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