Clothing In Macbeth

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The characters in this scene are the Weïrd Sisters, Hecate, Macbeth, the apparitions and Lennox, whose costumes play a huge role to introduce when this play is taking place. As it is set in the Scottish medieval times, clothing from that era will be worn by these characters. The Weïrd sisters are witches who are described as ugly and evil looking, seen when calls them “filthy hags”(4.1). To add emphasis to Macbeth’s proclamation, the witches’ costumes will be old worn out dresses, stained with dirt. The colour of their clothing will be muted and dark such as faded black and dark green colours. For Macbeth, Lennox, and the eight kings from the fourth apparition, they will be wearing jeweled toned clothes and chainmail to represent their high

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