Clinical Activity: Early Childhood Worksheet

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Clinical Activity: Early Childhood Worksheet = 10 points 1. Describe the chief psychological task according to Erickson for your selected population. (0.5 pt.) According to Erikson, the chief psychological task for children that are four and five years old is initiative versus guilt. This stage occurs between three and six years old. This means that the child is beginning to explore their surroundings much more. They try new things by imitation of adults and through fantasy. Another important factor in this stage is that the child’s conscious begins to develop. The child may feel guilt when limits are set on their ability to explore, or if they are punished. (Giddens, 2012, p. 5) 2. Provide an example of how a child in this age group would …show more content…

According to Potter (2012), “Children gain about 5 pounds per year; the average weight at 3 years is 32 pounds; at 4 years, 37 pounds; and at 5 years about 41 pounds. Preschoolers grow 6.2-7.5 (2.5 to 3 inches) per year, double their birth length around 4 years, and stand an average of 107 cm (43 inches) tall by their fifth birthday.” (p. 147) Gross and Fine Motor Skills (0.5 pt) Describe gross motor and fine motor development accomplishments for this age group. At the age of four and five years old, children begin to develop gross and fine motor improvement. Potter (2013) states, “preschoolers run well, walk up and down steps with ease, and learn to hop. By 5 years they usually skip on alternate feet, jump rope, and begin to skate and swim.” (p.147) They are able to hop, do somersaults, swing and climb. These children are also beginning to work on drawing. They are able to copy shapes; around 5 they can draw a diamond. At this age group, scribbling and drawing give children good practice with hand and eye coordination. Mental/Emotional Growth (0.5 pt) Describe how a child in this age group maturing mentally? Describe how they developing

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