Classroom Observation Paper

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offered to have a seat and enjoy eating some brunch, which consisted of fresh fruit and granola. I packed extra food for each meal for any who offered to eat with me. She accepted and sat with me, delighted with the idea of brunch and talking about classes. Soon after many others, who were both strangers and friends, stopped by to chat. The likes of which included, 3 Stetson tours, filled with parents asking Paloma and I question about the school and our brunch, multiple faculty members walking by asking what it was we were doing, other Stetson students, and members of University Administration. I informed Paloma I would be leaving at 11:30, as she had stayed till the end of brunch, and left to go to class. After cleaning up the picnic-style …show more content…

Formal table settings were still utilized as in all other picnics. The library chilly and was relatively quiet, though conversation was prevalent on the first floor in the forms of soft-chatter and light laughter. The large table I was sitting at allowed me to have a full view and access to the main floor of the library, and many Stetson students who were either studying, conducting group projects, or occasionally saying hello and then giving me an odd look. I would say that, while speaking with Em and other students at the library, scrutiny of the picnic increased, in comparison to the other two locations, an observation which I was sure to take not of during the norm violation. I would like to acknowledge that, while participating and conducting each picnic, I utilized the ethnographic technique of jotting, and a short hand of THICK description, in order to preserve details of the scene, and correlate witnessed behaviors to the context in which they were being

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