Classism Essay

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Denied a job, missed opportunities, dating issues, societal oppression, and political targeting – These are all common examples of what happens when classism exists. Class, the economic or social status of an individual, in America is extremely important and can be easily used as a weapon against the masses. Classism as defined by Merriam-Webster is the "prejudice or discrimination based on class" (Merriam-Webster, 2017). Using class, or economic status, as a view point for an individuals, or group's worth, has been happening for many years. The act of discriminating against someone(s) based on this is at the heart of classism. This discrimination could be passing someone up for a job opportunity. Denying an application to college, apartment, …show more content…

Some believe that classism is so bad that it has moved into full on class warfare. The issue with classism comes from the actual measurable harm it does to someone. Typically classism is more of a purposeful discrimination which has someone planning out how to keep their wealth or social status while stalling or lowering that of someone else. This can be seen in political policies targeted against the poor in favor of the wealthy, or something as simple as denial of a job due to your current living situation. Some issues are indirectly related to classism such as nepotism. The saying its expensive to be poor can be taken as a small token of proof that classism exists and some people in the world don’t want to see others, especially those in the lower percentage of earners, move up in class. If you are destined to be poor from birth then what do you have to live for. Poverty breeds issues such as crime, family issues and health problems, all of which help someone higher up earn money off of your …show more content…

Polices they pass have a direct impact on the lives of everyday Americans to which some argue help perpetuate wage stagnation, lack of class mobility, and social discord/distrust. These issues trickle down from the federal level to the state, and local governments, all the way into our homes. For years economic polies have been put in place to help the wealthy with politicians saying it is the middle to lower class who will ultimately benefit. We have been taught to believe in things like the "Trickle Down Economics", which states money will flow from the top to the bottom, or that giving tax breaks to the wealthy or big business will stir innovation, job growth or wage increases. Time and time again all we see from these actions is money flowing from the top to others at the top. ( Studies done by various universities and economists have shown that class mobility is not only an issue for the United States, but also the world. The real issue for governments, from Federal to state and local, is that this topic is easily manipulated and constructed to help whichever party is in power at the time. Some argue that it doesn’t exists, or is a small issue, while others point to differing facts and say it's one of the most important issues of our time. In order to truly help and stop the problem we will need to take politics out of the

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