Civil War Dbq

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In 1914, the German Reichstag declared a “civil peace”, which meant that the civilians would unite for the country. At first, while Germany was facing success, the people remained united and fought for a cause. As the war progressed and the impact of it was faced, the people started turning against the war, in hopes of ending it as soon as possible. By the end of the war, the people had completely turned against the government which resulted in the abdication of the Kaiser, as well as the surrender of Germany. Germany attained unity and prosperity through its victories in 1914, but as the war continued, the opinions of the people changed as protests replaced pride; by the conclusion of the war, radicals had taken a rise and the government and …show more content…

As German attacks were deferred near the end of 1914, the nationalism started to diminish. The war had begun to take a toll. A German soldier in the trenches, quoted in the National Liberal Party that “the news of high prices and the shortage of food [and that people] are enriching themselves at the expense of our women and children” (Document 7). This represents the discontent that is growing. Evelyn Biucher von Wahlstatt, an English wife of a German prince, claims that she heard women on the streets refusing to do any work as “The state that called on us to fight cannot even give us decent food, does not treat our men as human beings” (Document 8). The women that were once driven by nationalism, no longer want to aid the government until changes are made in their favor. A military administrator of a rural province, heard a woman complaining that “[She is] not going to slave away for those Berliners anymore.” which represents the increasing animosity between the people and the government (Document 9). As the reality of the war, and the harshness associated with it were brought to light, those that supported the war no longer did

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