Civil Disobedience, Machiavelli And Socrates

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The purpose of this short essay is to justify Antigone’s position during the story and to conduct an analysis from the other readings to defend my interpretation. I will take in consideration the similarities and differences of all three other readings Civil Disobedience, Machiavelli and Socrates. The Antigone story is Greek story about a family plagued by supposedly inherit curse by their father, a one that killed his father and married his mother and created 4 kids ( 2 daughters and two sons). One of the sons inherited the throne and the other one raised and Army against his brother and in the battle they both die. Leaving the two daughters alive and the last ones of the family. Ismene and Antigone were the last survivals of the family …show more content…

If we must accept defeat, let it be from a man; we must not let people say that a woman beat us" (187). While, in light of the moral standards within Greek society, his rationale may have been justified, Creon's actions largely derived from a personal vendetta against Antigone as opposed to a genuine endeavor to establish civil law. To clarify, civil law expresses similar qualities to justice in the regard that civil law generally captures a moral agreement among the civilians; however, civil law, as an interpretation or product of fallible human judgment, remains subject to bias and corruption. Conversely, while the definition of justice varies on an individual basis, justice as a whole remains constant and impartial to prejudice. Therefore, while Creon’s condemnation of Antigone may capture the common reaction towards a woman's defiance, to a large extent his actions do not necessarily correlate with justice as his decrees are tainted by his paternalistic obsession for dominance. While Creon characterized a weak leader as one who yields to fear, limiting him from ruling with his best judgment, Creon capitulates to the societal pressure of establishing paternalistic authority in fear of rejection from his people. Instead of following Haemon's advice, he constantly belittles his son as a "woman's slave"(191), ignoring the fact that "a man who thinks that he alone is right,[that] he is himself, unique, such men, when opened up, are seen to be quite empty" (189). Ironically, once Creon's fears come into fruition at the play's conclusion, the words of the chorus reverberate the previous warnings from Haemon and Teiresias, portraying how Creon's obsession with power ultimately blinds his judgment. Even after accusing Teiresias of malicious intent, Creon finally agrees to follow the advice given to him: bury Polyneices and rescue Antigone. However, even in his final moments of submission,

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