Civil Disobedience Is Effective

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Civil disobedience, when peacefully done, is effective. History has many examples to prove this, the argument appears more legitimate without violence, and the repercussions for suppression of such movements often increase awareness of the movements themselves. While it may take more time to make change, the change is more likely to happen. HISTORICAL EXAMPLES Perhaps the greatest known proponent of civil disobedience is Mahatma Gandhi. His hunger strikes led to Indian independence, and inspired entire generations to enact change with peace. His goals were achieved, despite his own arrest. This peaceful protest showed the British Empire that one man could lead a crusade with no weapons. The Indian people supported Gandhi and soon protested …show more content…

During the 1960’s, protests were as common as clear skies. While many were done with violence and ended in bloodshed, the vast majority were peaceful and well-planned. The hippie and flower-power movement pressured politicians into ended the highly controversial Vietnam War. While it took years to end the war, many politicians have since spoke of the immense pressure the protests has on them. The pressure ensured that the concerns of the people were in mind when making decisions, and eventually led to the end of the conflict in 1974. Max Fisher, a journalist for the Washington Post, wrote an article (Peaceful protest is much more effective than violence for toppling dictators) on the success of peaceful protest. He cites the findings of a political scientist as proof of the success of peaceful disobedience. He claimed that all movements that 3.5% or more of populations sympathized or supported, were nonviolent; he wrote,”...every single (protest) campaign that exceeded that 3.5 percent point was a nonviolent one.” The finding compiled here also found that from years 1900-2006, 65% of peaceful protests were successful in deposing authoritarian …show more content…

The anti-Trump protesters also angered Americans as the violence fundamentally protested the peaceful transition of power that is paramount in our republic. Taking to the streets and blocking them, threatening voters, and assaulting others did not help protesters. Had all of these people chosen more collegial and sophisticated approaches, the situations may have fared better, if not for the outcomes themselves, then for the perception of the causes. History will always remember the actions of large movements, and as such, the movements should conduct themselves in a sensible manner. REPERCUSSION OF VIOLENCE VS. PEACEFUL MEANS During the 1960’s violent protests swept Soviet states as the populations of the Union demanded independence. These protests were quickly put down by Nikita Khrushchev, the General Secretary of the USSR. These protesters were not tear-gassed. They were not detained. They were set upon by Red Army tanks and shot in the streets. The use of violence bore violence. The argument that a peaceful protest would have met the same reaction is simply false, as when the peaceful protests did occur, Khrushchev allowed them to take place and ignored them

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