Civil Disobedience Effectiveness

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“Be the change that you want to see in this world.” - Gandhi. Gandhi is saying that if you want something to make a change, then you have to do something about it and fight for what you believe in. I believe that civil disobedience is an effective method of social change. Civil disobedience is breaking a law in a peaceful, non-violent way. Some people believe that civil disobedience isn't an effective method because it doesn't always work, can create time in jail, and can take a very long time. One reason why civil disobedience is effective to create social change is because it is a legal way to protest. Also, civil disobedience has the power to create a change in society, law, and government. Lastly, civil disobedience draws attention to …show more content…

In fact, The Women’s March on Washington 2017 was a way to draw attention to the issue. At the Women’s March, hundreds of thousands of women were there to protest. They were protesting for women's rights and LGBT. Certainly, the march helped people come together as one and realize the importance of Women's rights and LGBT laws. It also made people realize that there is still discrimination (New York Times). The women's march used civil disobedience because it drew attention to the issue. It drew attention because they were addressing the situation and showing how men and women are treated differently in the US. Particularly how men have more rights and freedom than women. Another example of someone who used civil disobedience is Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger. This lead to the Civil Rights Movement. After that, they started the Montgomery Bus Boycott, which was when blacks decided to not ride on the Montgomery Bus for several weeks. As a result, the boycott was a success and it encouraged the mass protests demanding civil rights for blacks (World Book Online). Rosa Parks drew a lot of attention to herself because she refused to move seats on the bus. Consequently, many people know of Rosa Parks because she made a key difference in the inequality of blacks and whites in the US. Also, she fought for what believed in and didn't stop fighting until she got what she

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