Civic Duty In The Military

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The definition of civic duty is the “responsibility of the citizen” (Self, 2016). Civic duty and civic responsibility has been a concept for a millena. “Civic responsibility man have started with Lucius Quintius Cincinnatus in 519 B.C.” (Self, 2016). This idea of civic duty dates back to Ancient Rome. When in 1787, the constitution declared, “We the people, in order to form a more perfect union…” (Baltzell, 2016) it brought attention to the fact that our country is run by its citizens. We, as a people, have the authority and job to watch after our great nation and make sure it protects all of its citizens. Accepting those around us and being an informed voter are part of our civic duty.
As Americans, our responsibilities are as follows;
Be …show more content…

This has done great things for Americans. Since the 1970s students have raised their acceptance rate of a gay teacher to 52% to 85%. (“Getting Nicer. 2015). By doing this we increase our likelihood of protecting the amendments that protect one another. Another one of our responsibilities is to protect our country and the Constitution that makes it the land of the free. Serving in the military is the main way to do this and it’s an astounding way to ensure the safety and future of our country. If we want our country to protect us we must protect it. We need to pull together and protect our rights. Protecting our rights means protecting all of our rights as Americans. We need to take into account what will be best for America as a whole. Not just the individual liberties of singular people. We need to focus on the big picture. Our country is founded on civil service. Things such as the army, policemen, judges, and juries. Without these things our country could not function the way it does. A huge portion of our country functioning is …show more content…

These people who were uneducated, the majority of them voting for Trump, saw in Trump what they’ve seen in no other candidate, and that was was that he’s not a politician. They, not having a college level understanding of the multifaceted organization government is, do not understand what all it takes to be president. Candidates with a political background will have more experience with how government works and thus be a better president. Having a higher percentile of educated Americans will increase the turnout at polls. The more research they do the more likely they are to find something they’re very passionate about and they will also realize the importance of voting. Of the country’s 232 million eligible voters only 134 million of them voted. That’s only 57% of eligible voters voting. (Gould, 2016) Americans need to get out and vote more. We need to band together and educate ourselves on the matters that affect us and other Americans. Instead of valuing personal liberty more than the freedoms of the whole, we need to step back and look at the big picture, fully taking in the consequences of our actions of how we vote, or if we don’t at

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