Citizenship Of Settlers

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The Authorization of Citizenship for Illegal Settlers Thousands of settlers come to America in hopes for a better life every year. As of 2013 there were, on average, 11 million illegal settlers in The United States America, mainly in Nevada and California (Lynch 1). Most come to better themselves and for better opportunities, but are left behind because they are harshly judged for their race and abilities that exceed many of Americans. Even though their decisions in doing good for themselves may be different, but settlers, illegal and legal, can contribute quantitatively with the allowed citizenship into The United States. Most settlers have many attributes that they can offer such as helping with the growth of the economy, helping with …show more content…

With the allowance of citizenship they can get better jobs and in turn buy more things and increase consumer demand, and the “U.S. gross domestic product would grow by an additional $1.4 million” (Lynch 2). There will also be a growth in tax revenues which could lead to helping pay off the country’s debt (Lynch 2). The illegal settlers could also contribute more if they were granted legal status because they are not able to contribute like they potentially could (Lynch 3). By getting jobs they could help bring in more money by producing more products needed to sell and make profit, and with that money new settlers could go and buy the necessary products needed to live on and increase their payment of …show more content…

According to Bob McNelly, a contractor with Nash-McCraw Properties, “undocumented immigrants are essential to the economy” because they take on the jobs and do tasks that many Americans will refuse to do (Newkirk 28). They also do jobs with a quickness and efficiency that it not only saves time, but it also save money. Foreign settlers get the job done and help better the community by not wasting time and running the clock. Everybody already knows that “most unauthorized immigrants are working” which means they are not really do anything illegal, they are being productive and trying to provide what they could not in their old country (Krogstad 2). They do with their lives they could not in the environment of the life that that they once had. Settlers come here for a reason, which is to find a way to make it through life while also feeling safe in doing

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