Chutney Soca

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Chutney Soca Monarch 2014 is on the verge of being cancelled as Southex Promotions chief executive officer George Singh says Government has not allocated any money towards prizes. Already facing a debt of $3.2 million dollars from the 2013 competition, Singh said the Ministry of Arts and Multiculturalism has not provided the funds necessary to pay artistes nor have they issue any official statement on whether there will be sponsorship. In a press conference at his Independence Avenue, San Fernando office yesterday, Singh said that in 18 years the competition existed, prize monies have always come from Government. With the semifinals just two weeks away, Singh has withheld the names of the 35 semifinalists selected to perform at Rienzi Complex, Couva as he is unsure whether the competition will be held. “Because of the relationship we have with our service providers and the artistes to a certain extent, they are prepared to go into the 2014 competition but I can’t tell you that I am prepared to do that because at the end of the day we are two weeks away from semi finals. Today I have no firm word from the Government on what the funding is. I have nothing in writing and I am not prepared to go down that road again where we find ourselves in a position.” He confirmed that the show was on hold until further notice. In 2013, he said former Arts of Multiculturalism Minister Winston “Gypsy” Peters had promised $5 million to cover the cost of prizes but he only received a cheque for $1.8 million. With arrears of $3.2 million, he said several service providers are yet to be paid while last year’s winner Raymond Ramnarine is still owed $200,000 out of his $1 million winning. “We were promised a certain amount of money in 2013 from Govern... ... middle of paper ... ...alking personally of my opinion, winning Chutney Soca Monarch and not receiving my total amount is very sad,” Ramnarine said. Singh called on Government to give a clear position on the art form so he could determine whether Chutney Soca Monarch should be taken out of Carnival. He said, “What message are you all sending? Is it that chutney soca is not important? Is it that soca is more important or calypso or Carnival? Do you think that chutney soca does not have a place in Carnival? Let us know, maybe we will take it out of Carnival and we will look for funding somewhere else. In a country where almost $200 million is spent on Carnival, what is allocated for chutney soca’s development, we are not asking for 50 per cent, allocate a percentage of money that goes to the development of our industry, it is as important and everybody else. Give us the respect we deserve.”

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