Church Criticisms against Evolutionary Ethics

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There has been much debate held over the evolutionary ethics and its aspects ever since. Its criticisms mainly arise from the side of the church wherein many of its principles are violated. During the Victorian Period, when Anglo-American secularization and the church played important roles in shaping the society, people relied on their belief to understand morality. However some of the more skeptical members of the public which was the educated class thought that the Scripture’s morality does not agree with theirs and believed that man could be improved and eventually evolve (Farber, 1994). The church on the other hand, has a plethora of arguments that explain their stand of opposition. Evolutionary ethics is contradictory to what the church upheld as doctrines and truth therefore much discussion by experts have raised the question whether or not evolutionary ethics undermine the rules of church ethics and morality. Various arguments have been posed by proponents of evolutionary ethics that were said to challenge church principles. The first one is about the disruption of the natu...

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