Chunky Rice: A Turtle's Quest for Home

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Once upon a time there was a turtle named Chunky Rice, who was on a journey to find himself a place where he belongs. After all, a turtle technically always has his house carried on his back doesn’t mean that the place you are at feels like home. Chunky Rice sat looking out into the water on the boat that would take him to his destiny.
All of a sudden Chunky Rice hears a clunk against the boat. He looks down to see a bottle, but not just any bottle-- a message in a bottle. He grabs a long rope, tied a loop into it and throw it towards the bottle. It catches the bottle and he is able to lift the bottle up to him. With much struggle he pulls out the stopper and fishes for the note with his fingers. He pulls out the message and unravels it. It …show more content…

He recalls on the last day while they were making sand castles she told him that this journey is something he needs to do for himself. The gorgeous sandcastle that glistened in the sun was washed away the next day. He as well left that day to embark on his journey. As Chunky Rice thinks about the times he has had with Dandel on the beach he wishes that he could build that sandcastle back up with Dandel.
Chunky Rice looks into the sunset and around the boat. He runs as fast as he can to the captain, Charles, and yells “We need to go back! We need to go back!”. Chunky Rice realized he couldn’t let go of Dandel because she meant everything to him. Captain Charles obliged and turned the ship around as Chunky Rice waited impatiently at the stern of the ship.
When the ship got to the dock, he ran off the boat dauntlessly shouting a goodbye to Charles over his shoulder and continued running to Dandles’ house. When he arrived at the door of her house he knocked on her door while shouting his love for her and his arrival. The door opened slowly as if it was being opened by a ghost. Dandel appears from the shadows, but she’s not like how Chunky Rice remembered her. She had bags under her eyes and acted as if she has had more than a few

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