Chronicle of a Death Foretold

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In the novel, Chronicle of a Death Foretold, two of the main characters are Santiago Nasar and Bayardo San Roman. Santiago Nasar is introduced to the reader in chapter 1 of the novel and Bayardo San Roman is introduced to the reader in chapter 2. Santiago Nasar is described as being handsome and rich, and also displays a love of firearms and falconry. Bayardo San Roman is a mysterious man who enters into town looking for a bride, and is described as having the waist of a bullfighter. When scrutinized, the reader can ascertain the true importance of these characters and their impact on the story. Santiago Nasar is the only child of Placido Linero and Ibrahim Nasar, his is a handsome man with Arabic features. He also displays a love for falconry, horses, and firearms which are generally pastimes of the upper class. Bayardo San Roman is the son of Petronio San Roman, a civil war hero, and Alberta Simonds, and he is said to be handsome and swimming in gold. When juxtaposed, the reader can see the contrast between these main characters. Whereas Bayardo attempted to win Angela Vicario by...

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