We Shouldn T Celebrate Columbus Day?

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Have you ever been forced to do something you don’t want to do? Well maybe you have,but have you ever had your hand cut off because you didn’t do the thing that people made you want to do? I’m asking these questions because Christopher Columbus did these things to the Natives of America.That’s why I think we shouldn’t celebrate Columbus Day at all.He enslaved Natives to mine gold and if they didn’t he’d cut there wrists.Columbus also spread disease(such as smallpox) throughout America killing even more Natives. Finally though Columbus had butcher's cut the Native people up,to just feed their own dogs.On that same gruesome note Columbus ordered his men to cut the Natives in half to test the sharpness of their blades.

One reason we shouldn’t celebrate Columbus Day is because he enslaved Natives to have them work. The text states,”The aim was clear: slaves and gold. They went from island to island in the Caribbean,capturing Indians,”(page 8 …show more content…

The text states,” ...diseases also were apparently exchanged. The Europeans brought a host of infectious maladies unknown in the New World, the most damaging of which was smallpox...contracted by Columbus’s crew members” (The Legacy of Christopher Columbus). This quote made me start actually know that Columbus Day should not be celebrated even more.I think this because the disease’s he spreaded were just so bad and had killed so many Natives.The small pox just made it even worse as it affected the most Natives and people. Smallpox is now extremely rare but it spread so quickly when Columbus was around and that’s why it’s so deadly. Columbus also brought measles to America. “ ... native Taino population (an indigenous Arawak people) had no immunity to new infectious diseases, including smallpox, measles…”(OMRF).Wow measles is another awful fatal disease.Why celebrate a man who spread basically death(at least

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