Christopher Columbus History

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Christopher Columbus
Background and Early Life:
Although Portugal were the first to start sailing into the 'Voyages of Discovery' Spain and a few other countries, got very involved in the 'Voyages' and many men became very famous, as well as extremely rich. The most famous of all Spanish explorers is by far Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus was born in the late summer or early autumn of 1451, probably in Genoa (the date and place are not certain). Neither Christopher or his younger brother Bartholomew had much schooling, and had little if any proper education.

Christopher grew up to be a tall, strong young man, with red hair and a ruddy complexion. He was quiet and very religious. It is said that he quickly learned from experience. He worked for his father, Domenico Colombo, as a wool weaver until he was 22.

No one is certain how Columbus learnt his seamanship skills, but it is believed that he learnt them on long trips to the north coast of Africa, for his father, selling wool.

1476 Columbus sailed as a common seaman aboard a Genoese merchantman bound for Lisbon. Since many Mediterranean nations were at war, the ship traveled in convoy. Off the south coast of Portugal the convoy was attacked and destroyed. The ship sunk and he had to swim to shore and make his way to Lisbon. Genoese friends took him in and later found him a berth on an Iceland bound ship. When he returned, he settled in Lisbon.

For years Columbus traveled trying fighting for royal patronage, finally, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella agreed to sponsor the expedition to find a western route to the indies, and on 3 August 1492, Columbus and his fleet of three ships, the Santa Maria, the Pinta and the Niña, set ...

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...ed the ship and eventually reached Spain in September 1522, having completed the first ever circumnavigation of the globe.


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