Christopher Boone

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This Novel is written in first person from the perspective of Christopher Boone, a 15 year old who has a disability similar to autism but it is never clearly stated in the novel. The book focuses on Christopher investigating the murder of his neighbour’s dog which unravels into finding out that his father had been lying to him about his mother and that he also killed the neighbour’s dog. Christopher had been told by his father that his mother had died due to a heart attack. The sudden realization that his mother was alive and the belief he can no longer trust his father causes Christopher to travel to his mother and live with her. The novel ends with Christopher optimistic about his future due to him achieving so much like finding out who killed the dog and him finding his mother. …show more content…

This understanding of Christopher’s condition made the events in the book that he goes through and what he achieves so much better as he had to struggle with his issues. I think I probably couldn’t have done what he achieves and deals with through his journey to find his mother and the murderer just due to my belief that if I had his condition I wouldn’t be able to cope with anything nearly as well as he does. I have only one major disagreement with Christopher in the book and that is near the end where he chooses to stay with his mother and seemingly hates/distrusts his father. I strongly disagreed with this choice as his mother ran away from Christopher as “she couldn’t take it anymore” and left her husband, Christopher’s father to deal with him. It’s also unfair for Christopher to not like his father as he only lied about his mother because he knew it would destroy him if he found out why she really left their

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