Christopher Biissell Biography

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As a young man Christopher Bissell tried a few occupations while growing up in BC, but he wanted to do something more than being a logger or miner. He would decide to do some traveling, in hopes that he would find himself and find his passion. Bissell bought a ticket to San Francisco and there he would take a ship to Hawaii, Fiji, and onto New Zealand. It was in Fiji that Bissell purchased a camera which he practiced with while he was on the ship. He would arrive in New Zealand a few weeks later where he was surprised by a couple friends from BC that were now living there. His friends had recently been recognized for a show they designed which consisted of slides and transparencies. He was amazed at the images his friends were projecting on the wall of their little New Zealand flat. That was the moment that Bissell learned all about composition and balance. …show more content…

Over the next few years he shot everything from aerial farm photography, to landscape, architectural, and portraits. He would even set up his own darkroom and dabbled a bit in black and white. One day he awoke and decided to go back to North American and pursue fashion photography, and he hasn’t looked back since. For the next few years, Bissell would begin to make a name in fashion photography out of his studio in Victoria, BC. At the time, the Alberta economy was booming and soon he found himself in Edmonton where he had become a bit of a sensation. “I was the new blood in town, and all the sudden I became the flavor.” Work started flowing in from big advertising accounts such as Eaton’s and The Bay. Bissell employed numerous assistants and filled a 3,000 sq. ft. studio Monday to Friday non-stop for over 5

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